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The Art of Touch on Display

Microsoft unfurled an infinite canvas across the Internet , inviting artists of all ages to become digital da Vincis.
The company Art of Touch offers anyone with a modern browser with HTML5 capability and creating your arts and can share it , Art of touch transforms mouse movement into a paintbrush , with this we can draw any sketches . this allows sign in with Facebook account also and you can share your masterpiece with Facebook also.

as we get the options to try different things as shown in picture just visit  Art of Touch
The site was inspired by the design, elegance and capabilities of Microsoft’s Touch Mouse family of products, says Francois Ruault, senior director of marketing for Microsoft Hardware.
Where Art and Technology Intersect, Fun Happens
The “exuberant style” Watz refers to is made possible by Microsoft’s Touch technology, says Scott Moir, technical director at the interactive digital marketing company that worked on The Art of Touch project, ZAAZ.

this picture was shared on art of touch site.
The real-time collaboration between human and machine gives people something may never have before experienced. “Technology is fun, and creating art is fun. And the two combined is an interesting compelling experience,” he says. “Hopefully this will inspires people to do more of the same, whether creating more digital art or participating in other future drawing projects online or otherwise.”

The combination of a user painting with computer-generated images promises to be an interesting experience, says Marius Watz, a digital artist who collaborated with Microsoft on the Art of Touch palette.
Courtesy : Microsoft image gallery
Origin:      News center