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Disable the taskbar preview window pop-ups


As I have surfed many forums and found one common problem for Windows 7 user is the TASKBAR previews.

I personally found this is a very handy feature when switching between windows, but MS has not given a simple way to disable the previews.

we have researched a REG hack to do this , a way we found is set the hover time to a long value.  When you hover mouse on the running icon on taskbar, the preview will come after a long time..

here is the steps to follow..

1. Open Regedit by the use of RUN command or start menu search go to


3. right click on right pane Create a new DWORD called ExtendedUIHoverTime and set the value to 20000 (that's 20 seconds) or value of your wish..

for that much of seconds it will not pop up.. so by hopefully turned off.

Please let me know if you have any query!!!


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