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Mozilla Firefox 6 on Tuesday

On a news Mozilla confirms the release of Firefox 6 is on Tuesday that is August 16th.

Firefox is all set for Windows, Linux,Mac and Android platforms.firefox 6b

  • Progress bars via the <progress> HTML element, with a look that is native to the host operating system.
  • window.matchMedia(): allows you to programmatically execute CSS Media Queries. For example, you can check the orientation of a device and act differently in landscape and in portrait orientation.
  • Improved handling of binary data: Read binary data via an XMLHttpRequest or from a file; concatenate binary data and text and produce binary data.
  • WebSockets are supported (again).
  • Server-Sent Events allow servers to push messages to clients. It is one-directional and thus much more limited than bidirectional mechanisms such as WebSockets. But it makes provisions for mobile devices where a proxy in a network can handle messages when a device is asleep or offline and then convert a server-sent event to a true push message.


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